Calaway Park Guest Safety and Code of Conduct
Safety is Calaway Park’s top priority. For your safety and enjoyment at Calaway Park, please read all of the following information.
The holder of a valid ticket or season pass by entering Calaway Park agrees that Calaway Park and Calalta Amusements Limited shall not be liable in negligence or other tort or contract by statue for any other claim or damages howsoever arising. The patron of this ticket must follow all rules and regulations outlined in the Calaway Park Passport, Calaway Park signage and on the Calaway Park website. The license granted by this ticket may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the owner or operator. All rides, shows and attractions subject to ride/show availability and/or height restrictions. Games, merchandise and food are not included. Depending on the severity of the weather, Calaway Park may close early or not open. Select rides and attractions will not operate in rain, high winds, lightning storms or other inclement weather conditions.
As Calaway Park is for families, all guests must behave in a family-friendly, respectful, and courteous manner for themselves and other Guests. Violations may result in ejection from rides, attractions, or from the Park itself, without refund. The following behaviour is strictly prohibited:
- Failure to follow the instructions of, or verbally or physically harassing any team members. Calaway Park will not tolerate the use of threatening behaviour, verbal abuse or harassment, or disorderly conduct towards team members. We will not tolerate video taking or photography of our team members that is unauthorized, unsolicited or defamatory.
- Calaway Park does not tolerate aggressive or threatening behavior of any kind. This includes fights (physical or verbal), challenges to fight or any threat thereof (whether to an intended victim or expressing a desire to hurt another person), or any form of physical assault or intimidation of another person.
- As a family-friendly park, offensive conduct, such as profanity, making offensive comments, hand or body gestures, pushing, spitting, and other offensive conduct will not be tolerated.
- Use of alcohol or drugs. Guests may be removed from the park due to impairment related to drugs or alcohol consumption, being in possession or consuming alcohol not purchased on the premises or outside of the designated restaurant locations, or causing any disturbances in relation to drug or alcohol use.
- Smoking or marijuana use. Calaway Park is a smoke-free facility other than within our one designated smoking area, located beside the Haunted Hotel. The smoking of cigarettes or e-cigarettes (vapes, Jules, etc.) is prohibited while not within the designated smoking area. The use of marijuana and other drugs is prohibited.
- Unless authorized in advance by Calaway Park’s marketing team, all forms of solicitation are prohibited on Park grounds, including within Calaway Park, at or near the entrance gate and in the parking lot. Restrictions on solicitation include ticket reselling, ticket scalping, product sales and all other solicitations. Violation of this policy can lead to ejection from the park and/or loss of season pass.
For your safety and the safety of all Calaway Park Guests and team members, please:
- Use your common sense and protect yourself.
- It’s all about family fun! Please use behaviour and language that is appropriate for all Guests.
- Follow all height restrictions, ride signage, and the instructions given to you by our ride operators.
- Pay attention and be cautious of your surroundings, including to sudden elevations shifts in walking surfaces, wet and slippery surfaces, uneven ground, curbs or broken pavement, landscaping, tree roots, rocks, man-made structures, other Guests’ possessions left lying around the Park or in pathways, etc.
- Please do not run. Running poses a collision, trip, slip and fall concern, and is inconsiderate of other guests. Parents, please ensure that minors and others under their care do not run while at Calaway Park.
- We request children not play on boundary rocks throughout the Park.
- Anticipate that some surfaces could be slippery, particularly in bathrooms, on and around any water rides or attractions, when there is inclement weather, and in or around food locations where any amount of spilled food and drink can create a slippery surface. If you notice spilled food or drink, please alert a Calaway Park team member so it can be addressed promptly.
- No climbing on, pulling on or hanging from any structures, trees, lamp posts, wiring, or other features. Fences, queue lines, and railings should not be sat upon, stood upon, twirled on, or jumped over.
- Be hands free! Electronic devices, including photographic or recording equipment and accessories, are not permitted on any ride. This includes cameras, GoPros, “selfie” sticks, cell phones and other types photographic devices, video or camcorders. As well, please use caution if using such devices while walking or are near other Guests. Do not climb or hang onto objects or structures to take pictures or video of yourself or other Guests. Do not attempt to retrieve any dropped items if you are on or near a ride, please ask a Calaway Park team member for assistance.
- Drive safely and with caution. Please drive at the posted speed limit and use caution when getting into and out of parking spaces or when entering or exiting the parking lot.
We have plenty of rides for everyone! We want you to have an enjoyable day and are committed to providing you with a safe environment. For your safety, every ride has a height restriction approved by AEDARSA and ride manufacturers. You can measure yourself at the front entrance “Ride-O-Meter” or at Guest Services. Please note the “Ride-O-Meter” is for reference only and individual height sticks will be taken as correct. Protect yourself while riding the rides by using your common sense and following all the ride rules as outlined by each ride operator. Share with others the responsibility for a safe and fun experience by following these guidelines:
- Remain seated in an upright, forward-facing position until the ride has come to a complete stop.
- Please keep all parts of your body inside the ride unit at all times.
- Secure loose items (hair, cameras, cell phones, glasses, wallets, hats, keys, etc.) or leave them with a non-rider.
- Keep your seatbelt, lap bar or shoulder harness fastened until the ride has completely stopped.
- No picture taking or video recording while riding.
- You are responsible for your personal belongings.
- Please finish food or drinks before entering the ride line-ups.
- Rides incorporate safety systems designed by the manufacturer to accommodate people of average physical stature, health and body proportion. These safety systems may place restrictions on the ability of an individual to safely experience the ride. If in doubt of your ability to safely experience a ride, we urge you to consult with the ride operator or visit our Guest Services location.
- Line jumping and holding a place in line is not permitted. Challenge those who jump the line – you deserve respect! Line jumpers may be removed from the park. Please advise the ride operator or a park leadership team member if this occurs.
- Following the recommendations for your safety in regards to heart conditions, back or neck problems, pregnancy, etc. You should be in good health to ride safely.
Ride Safety Rules
Many rides have rules, which will be communicated, while loading the ride and must be followed in order for guests to be safe while riding. Guests who are not following these rules risk harm to themselves and others and will be asked to leave the park. Season Pass holders risk losing their membership if they are not following the ride rules.
Loose Items Policy
When planning your day at Calaway Park, we suggest you travel light. Calaway Park does not permit backpacks, purses, or any other loose articles on most rides. Items should be left in lockers or with a non-riding member of your party. Some items may be left on ride platforms; however, Calaway Park is not responsible for items being lost or stolen. Calaway Park cannot accommodate loose articles including cell phones, cameras, stuffed animals, purses, backpacks, umbrellas, wallets, keys, personal entertainment devices, etc. Items must be safely secured on you, or left in a locker or with a non-riding member of your party. Glasses and hats must be secured while on rides, as Calaway Park cannot retrieve unsecured items lost on rides. Please ensure long hair is contained or in a pony tail while riding.
Shoe Policy
We recommend that everyone visiting Calaway Park wear a standard, closed toed, running / play shoe. For the safety of your child, a standard play shoe, which is secured at the ankle and does not contribute excessively to the child’s height, must be worn at all times unless otherwise directed by a ride operator. Flip flops are not recommended. Platform shoes that increase the child’s height are not permitted. Calaway Park reserves the right to ask that shoes be removed to ensure that a child’s height is not enhanced or manipulated.
Water Damage
Due to the potential for water damage, guests enjoying the Timber Falls Log Ride, Bumper Boats or CP Spray n’ Play should leave cameras and other valuables in a locker or with non-riding members of your party.
Preferred Seating
In order to keep ride lines moving efficiently, guests may not wait in line for preferred seating. If a guest is at the front of the line and does not want to take the next available seat, they may go to the back of the line and try their luck for the next ride.
Safety Systems and Guest Restrictions
Rides incorporate safety systems designed by the manufacturer to accommodate people of average physical stature, health and body proportion. These safety systems may place restrictions on the ability of an individual to safely experience a ride. Amusement and water rides also can be adrenaline-pumping activities which can put strain and forces on your body and senses, through rapid acceleration, speed, sudden movements, and the unpredictable motion of a ride, which may thrust your body about in different directions, causing muscular strain and stress on your body such as on your neck and back, and accelerated heart rate and blood pressure. Do not participate in any ride, activity or attraction if you are under the influence of any alcohol, drugs or other substances which may affect your health, mental alertness, reflexes and coordination. As well, do not participate if you have or had any health conditions, pre-existing conditions or injuries, or are afraid to participate, including but not limited to heart, nerve, muscle, bone, neurological, brain, or other ailment or injury, or if you are (or may be) pregnant or have had surgery or are still recovering from any illness, treatment, medical condition or procedure. Before getting on a ride, make sure to observe the ride in operation, and how people board, ride and exit. Carefully read all signage, listen to any recorded instructions/warnings, and obey all attendant instructions. If anything makes you uncomfortable about participating, please do not participate. Only you are able to determine if you are physically and mentally able to safely participate in any ride, attraction or experience and you fully assume all risks of any ride, attraction or experience in which you choose to participate. If in doubt of your ability to safely experience a ride, we urge you to consult with the ride operator or visit one of our Guest Services locations for further information.
Patron Responsibility
There are inherent risks in the participation in or on any amusement ride, device or attraction. Patrons of an amusement ride, device or attraction, by participation, accept the risks inherent in such participation of which the ordinary prudent person is or should be aware. Patrons have a duty to exercise good judgment and act in a responsible manner while using the amusement ride, device, or attraction and to obey all oral or written warnings, or both, prior to or during participation, or both. Patrons have a duty to not participate in or on any amusement ride, device, or attraction when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Patrons have a duty to properly use all ride or device safety equipment provided.
Some rides may be shut down throughout the day due to inclement weather such as but not limited to, lightening, high wind, rain or hail. Rides that will close depends largely on the kind of weather we are experiencing. Calaway Park will make every effort to re-open the rides as soon as it is safe to do so.
Ride Closures
Select rides and attractions will not operate in rain, high winds, lightning, storms, or other inclement weather conditions. These rides will open as soon as the inclement weather passes. Rides may be subject to closure throughout the day for cleaning purposes or routine maintenance. Calaway Park will make every effort to re-open the ride as soon as our standards are met. Ride lineups may close early in order to process all Guests within the lineup, prior to park closure. Select rides and attractions will not operate in rain, high winds, lightening storms, or other inclement weather conditions. The Park may close early if these poor weather conditions are persistent or unusual. Please see Guest Services for a current update. Other rides may be subject to closure throughout the day for cleaning purposes or routine maintenance. Calaway Park will make every effort to reopen the ride as soon as our standards are met. Ride lineups may close early in order to process all Guests within the lineup, prior to park closure.
Please call us at 403-240-3822 then press 0 to speak to Guest Services or email for more information prior to your visit.
The Accessibility Guide is subject to change without notice. More information is available at Guest Services upon check in.
Guests may not save places in line for themselves or others. Guests cannot let friends, family, or others later join them in line or take their place in line, push past or bypass others in lines, or leave and return to their spot. Anyone who cuts into a line of waiting guests, no matter what the reason, are risking dismissal from the park without refund.
Animals and pets of any kind are not allowed in Calaway Park, except for legally certified service animals. Qualified service dogs with valid service dog accreditation, like a government-issued service dog ID card, are welcome at Calaway Park. On the day of your visit, please proceed to Guest Service on the far right-hand side of the admissions area and they will check in your service dog. Service dogs must wear their service dog vest for the duration of their time at Calaway Park. Please be aware that you are still responsible for controlling the service animal at all times and we may require removal of your service animal from park property if it poses a threat to other Guests, including but not limited to barking, biting, growling or uncontrolled behaviour. Service animals will only be allowed on select rides, which are Balloon Ascension, Carousel, Rocky Mountain Rail, U Drive Safety School of Motoring and the Haunted Hotel attraction. Due to safety and restraints, service animals will not be allowed on other rides. Due to health and cleanliness concerns, service animals are not allowed in CP Spray n Play.
For other pets, we have half a dozen dog kennels available at Calaway Park. There is a fee per kennel per day. If you have more than one dog, you can have both of your dogs in the same kennel. The kennels are available during our operating hours, on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend taking this into consideration when planning your day at Calaway Park. We ask that you bring your own water and food dish and any food or toys for your pet. Due to operational constraints, Calaway Park team members are only able to monitor your dog(s) and make sure they have fresh water. As such, we encourage you to come back throughout the day to visit your dog and take them out for a quick walk and/or bathroom break.
Weaponry of any kind is strictly prohibited at Calaway Park. Additional prohibited items include anything which is inherently dangerous to other Guests or Park property, which could be used as a weapon or which could foreseeably cause harm, including without limitation, fireworks, hazardous chemicals or other substances, or other items which appear suspicious.
Rollerblades, skateboards, bicycles, segways, hover boards, scooters, and roller runners are not permitted.
Guests are welcome to take pictures of themselves, their friends and family, their group, and the scenery in general, for their own personal use. Photos or videos taken for commercial use are prohibited except in circumstances approved by Calaway Park. Commercial photography and videography is not permitted. The use of drones is strictly prohibited.
Photography or video recording that disrupts a guest’s experience, interferes with park operations, or includes a Calaway Park Team Member is strictly prohibited.
Please ensure that devices including cell phones, selfie sticks, and cameras are safely stored and not in use during the ride cycle.
As Calaway Park is a family-friendly environment, Guests are reminded to dress appropriately for all audiences. Any Guests wearing clothing that is inappropriate, offensive, vulgar, suggestive, or includes profanity may be asked to change or be removed from the Park. Swimsuits may be worn when enjoying CP Spray n Play. Shoes must be worn at all times while at Calaway Park, except for inside the CP Spray n’ Play attraction area. Calaway Park recommends wearing closed-toe shoes and well-fitted and comfortable clothing. Guests are required to wear a shirt on any ride that employs a shoulder harness style restraint like the Vortex rollercoaster, Sky Wynder, and Free Fallin’.
Calaway Park is a family amusement park and welcomes breast feeding mothers and their children. A private nursing area can be found at our First Aid location near the entrance to the Park, if so desired.
Admission to Calaway Park, including one-day tickets and Season Passes, are non-refundable, non-transferable, and expire on the final day of the operating season that they were purchased.